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[Y] Stories > Sleeptalker
The Snipers.Dec22/11Idea for a story that I've had stuck in my head since 2005(ish). Been trying to figure out how to do it, so I've decided to do it segments... say one a week if I can keep up with my mind. It's set in an alternate past (1965-1990) and is told through the eyes and recolections of numerous characters in the near-future. Bare with me... we'll se how it turns out. No yiff yet... sorry. Just read this introduction and tell me what y'all think and maybe I'll post more, maybe I won't.
SINC Leona.Jan11/12Continuation of "The Snipers." I introduce an important character who has been in several roles in a large proportion of my high school years, and we get to understand the (thusfar) obscure man, who calls himself Johannes, and his role in the story... presumably. Oh, you also get to meet a foxy pilot named Minna!!
Lt. von Ackerman.Feb15/12A short section of The Snipers, detailing some more about Johan (our main caracter) and what he goes through during target practice.
Human Problems.Feb15/12Another short one, this time we see how Johan deals with us pissy humans and how we can't just see someone different (even as different as a Fur) as a person none the less.
Minna and Lemon.Feb15/12Another mission with Minna, with her team in tow, meet Leona's kickass RIO and her new plane. Johan proves to us all that he has a mother after all.
A Drink at Titan's Pub (vers. 1.0.8).Feb15/12Some jabber jawing in a pub leads Johan to getting laid (soon). Leona's on a train heading towards Paris for a conference with some "people." I also explain some "Hughes History" in the case of railroads in Europe. - Also, does anybody get a little pissed that the text in the story bunchess back together when you save your story??
This isn't Good (vers 1.0.1).Feb15/12After getting laid, something unfortunate befalls Johannes von Ackerman.
The Dawn (vers. 1.0.2).Feb24/12Things are about to get underway... Johan tells us something about his past and why he has really been chosen as the shooter.
Ghillies in The Mist.Feb24/12Now it get's interesting.
Part Two: One Shot, One Kill.Jun14/12The shortest section of "The Snipers." Johan exacts his revenge on the man who killed his father. He also shows us more of his soft spot for females by rescuing a downed helicopter pilot.
Part Three: The Road to Better Things.Jun14/12Johan tells Cherrie a little about his first love, plus a few character references to people that know who they are.
CINC Hughes.Jun14/12Johan's hospital stay. We introduce Alfred H. Hughes, Commander in Chief of the Bundeswher, and we finally meet Johan's mate and daughter (not the same person).
The Midnight Train.Dec22/12Some history on the topic of the fictitious town of Steinherring, Germany. Johan gets to know Leona a little better... it's only... somewhat suggestive...
The End.Dec22/12Johan says goodbye to Leona, at least for now. We meet a character who will become one of Johan's most trusted counterparts, and we get to learn a little about his car.